Bulletin Board…Teachers

Ka$hing, Ka$hing.  How much cash have you spent on your classroom?  Somebody is actually counting.   Brad’s Deals reports teacher’s spend 1.3 million personal money every year. 

Okay, you and I know that’s only what’ reported.  Who knows how we really spend.  But Brad’s batting for you.  He’s listed businesses that offer discounts to teachers.  So here’s the link for you.  Brad’s Deals.com.

I hope this helps and you have some $ left for your IRA accounts.  Don’t forget to save…for yourself.

Have a great beginning of the school year.  Classroom pictures are coming soon.  Send your digital classroom pictures to terri@devokids.com and I’ll post them here at DaVinci’s Classroom.

Your teacher and friend,

DaVinci’s Teacher

Bulletin Board: Teachers and Parents

Reading:  If you’re interested in Lexile Information, link here.

Bulletin Board: Woman to Woman

Please visit all my friends today.  Read the JenX67 post.  Book lover.  A book lover is my friend.

Dr. Tom’s stories of a Bluegrass Road fill your belly.  Satisfying.  Music lover.  A music lover is my friend.

This blog is my secret.  But, alas I shall share with you, my dear friends.  You see, she can take a piece of worn-out junk and turn it into art, function, and beauty.   I’m sure I can do all she does, so I’ve started my collection of “junk”.    My husband has declared a moratorium on junk purchases till I finish the current projects.  Darn-it.  It’s easier to look for the junk.    But this lady finds it, does it, and displays it. 

talk to you later……..DaVinci’s Classroom

Bulletin Board: Woman to Woman to Woman to Woman…

Salt your coffee?  Yes.   Read the post at Brownie Points Blog for better coffee ideas.

Not Martha: anyone claiming this title deserves a look.   Her site is sugar-n-spice nice.  How about a guest post here at DaVinci’s Classroom, Not Martha?

The Organizing Junkie features Responsibility Charts for her children. Wonderful idea! Will you make some for my children? And, will you drop by and watch to make sure they follow through? (There’s the key, friends–follow through. Minutes disappear for moms due to Follow Through Duty.)
Teachers….there’s a tip for you, too. Giving directions doesn’t work unless you watch to make sure the kids actually do what you say. I knew that, you say? See, I’ve been saying you are a great teacher!Honey, if you’re reading this.)

Do you want to try the No Spend Challenge here.
Frankly, I’ve been on this challenge for six years now….Kinda. Have you ever heard of a “spending budget”? Send in your questions and I’ll share our family’s money saving tips.

I blogged.
It’s May.  My Stay-At-Blogger status is compromised. Please, don’t tell my husband I call myself a Stay-At-Home Blogger. He’s sure I’m a Stay-At-Home Mom. (Joking…..Joking…Joking…..)

Writing conference is around the corner and- and -and -and and……I can’t tell all today.

Please… share this link with 10 friends today. And your 10 friends will say, Thank-You.
Do it in the next 10 seconds and something will happen–the clock will tick, the sun will shine, the grass grow green…  (Ever get those kinds of forwards?   The difference is my promises are real.  Ha. Ha-Ha. I’ll be grateful if you just share this site.)

And there’s a wee little COMMENT section at the bottom of each post. I’d love to hear from you.
Your friend,
DaVinci’s Classroom Teacher

Bulletin Board: Everybody

Miscrosoft Chairman Bill Gates : Part I

Bill Gates spoke before a group of high school students and gave them eleven rules of life, an excerpt from the book “Dumbing Down our Kids” by educator Charles Sykes.  The list of eleven things you did not learn in school is directed at high school and college grads.

Here’s number 1:  Life is not fair.  Get used to it. 

Here’s number 2:  The world won’t care about your self-esteem.  The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Here’s number 3:  You will NOT make $40,000 a year right out of high school.  You won’t be a vice president with a car phone until you earn both.   

Here’s number 4:  If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.  He doesn’t have tenure. 

Here’s number 5:  Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.  Your grandparents had a different word for burger-flipping:  opportunity. 

Here’s number 6:  If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault–so don’t whine about your mistakes…learn from them!

….to be continued    PASS IT ON

Teacher Tip: Drama Centers

How important is the Land of Make-Beleive? Remember Mr. Rogers?




Incorporate role-playing into your curriculum. This is a kindergarten class dress-up area which changes with the theme. Any grade can include role-playing to jazz up a lesson. How about the teacher dressing up?

Teacher Tip

Goodmorning!  I hope you visited last week and read the money tips.  The green week was loaded with money resources.  I learned something.  Did you know how far saving $3.00 day will go?

Saturday night our family added up the savings we had by working around our house mowing, cleaning, cooking, and not shopping.  It hovered over $100 and that’s enough for the monthy contribution towards the $259,000 fund.  Curious?….read Friday’s post.


This is not the way to start the day.  These people need some coffee.  Actually, I think the babies need a diaper change and the air is ….!  “Please someone snap this picture now.”

Start your teaching day out with this chant written by Dr. Linda Michell Baron


This is the way…hey!  we start the day…hey!

We get the knowledge…hey!  to go to college…hey!

We won’t stop there…hey!  go anywhere…hey!

We work and smile…hey!  cause that’s our style…hey!

We love each other…hey! help one another…hey!

There’s nothing to it…hey!   Just have to do it…hey!

this is the way …hey!   we start the day…hey!

cause we “don’t play” …hey!

Now, what you say…hey!

The next ditty is for all big brothers and sisters, especially Ariel’s kids www.moabclub.blogspot.com

Bulletin Board: Money, Money, Money. $20 a week makes a difference!

Learn to pray for provision  


Golden Nugget:  Plan your saving and spending”



Resources:  www.christiandevotions.us posts Faith & FINANCES, Bible-based devotions aimed to help readers apply God’s financial principles in their lives—every Tuesday a new finance devotion posts.


Also listen the interview with financial minister, Chris Stocklin:  http://www.christiandevotions.us/radio.html



Ron Blue teaches simple saving principals.

1.  Patient Savings Plan:  Save $21 a week or exactly $83. a month with 8% yield = $259,000 in forty years. 

Now, right now you may not find 8%, but save your money in an account (CD possibly).    

Older than 20?  Save more than $83.33 per month to catch up, if you can.


 2.  Ron Blue also teaches a principal called:  Opportunity Cost

This means the item you purchase for $20 cost you more because it’s a lost opportunity to earn money.  How much more would the twenty dollars mean to you in 20, 30, 40 years?  The item doesn’t cost $20, it cost the money you could have earned if the money had been invested instead.


Links to Ron Blue




“Disclaimer – Ronald Blue & Co. provides the names of other financial organizations and/or vendors of financial products as a convenience to its web site visitors. Ronald Blue & Co. may not agree with, nor does it make any warranty as to the accuracy of the information supplied by these organizations or vendors. It is not intended to be a substitute for personalized legal or financial planning advice.”

 College Savings Plans:  Check the 529 plan in your state (Tax advantage savings plan)

Work:  Sell handmade products on-line                                    a_treasure_chest_full_gold_coins_and_jewelry_royalty_free_clipart_picture_treasure_chest



More ways to stop spending so you can save

Use the library

Sew:  hem your pants, sew on buttons, alter clothes


Does it mean you can never spend?  No, but it you delay or reduce spending, the long term outcome is financial security.


There are creative ways to save money that you may like to share.  Please comment and share your money saving ideas.

ANSWER TO YESTERDAY’S QUESTION:  Is a car an investment?  (NO)

Today’s question:  Is jewelry an investment?  freejewelryimages