Virtual Classroom: Bulletin Boards

DaVinci’s Classroom presents the Virtual Classroom

Submit your images here and we’ll share with zillions of educators.

We’re checking out the hallways for bulletin board ideas. The bulletin boards double as art and writing assignments. Send your images to

Who’s in the barn?

Mr. Big Fish

Spring Flower Stories

Thank you, Peggy, for contributing to DaVinci’s Classroom!


Bulletin Board: Teachers…Visit the Virtual Classroom

The virtual classroom

Please enjoy your trip down the hallways of our virtual classroom. Why don’t you participate in DaVinci’s Classroom? Send images of your classroom to and I’ll post them here.  Share this site with your teaching friends. This is the go-to place for educators to learn from each other.  Save time and money…visit the virtual classroom:!

Utilize the hallways for beauty and space.

(Remember to check the fire safety guidelines for your school.)

Bulletin Board: Teachers and Homeschoolers

Send you images to  on the web mid-October 2012.

Book Nook Calendar

Please visit my other blog:

Thanks…send me your classroom pictures.

Bulletin Board: Educators, Homeschools, Mom and Decent Websites

Websites for kids:

DogEared from National Geographic

Kids’ Gallery


Contact to have your educational website listed here.

Bulletin Board: Teachers

Here’s a math website for you.

Looks like they also have a blog.  I know teachers are always

on the lookout for new and improved.  Let me know what

what you think about this site and I can post more information

here for readers.  Have a lovely, lovely day!  DaVinci’s Teacher

Bulletin Board


“Girl.   You spell girl, “g-o-o-l”.  Giirrrl

“No, you don’t.  Ga.  G-i-r-l-e.  Girl.”


“Moma, come play with me.” 

So, I’ve been on duty.  Here’s your summer recipe which I read the on a great craft blog: . 

 Recipe for Preserving Children

1 grassy field

1 half-dozen children (or more)

several dogs (and puppies, if available)

1 brook



1.  Into field pour children and dogs, allowing to mix well.

2.  Pour brooke over pebbles until slightly frothy.

3.  When children are nicely brown, cool in warm bath.

4.  When dry, serve with milk and fresh gingerbread. 


Playing…..but I’ll be back.   Tomorrow.  Really.

Bulletin Board

What do you search for during a library visit?


If you’re studying for the SAT, The Grammar Guy offers free SAT test preparation for reading and writing.


Bulletin Board


New York City Public Library

Bulletin Board: Woman to Woman

Please visit all my friends today.  Read the JenX67 post.  Book lover.  A book lover is my friend.

Dr. Tom’s stories of a Bluegrass Road fill your belly.  Satisfying.  Music lover.  A music lover is my friend.

This blog is my secret.  But, alas I shall share with you, my dear friends.  You see, she can take a piece of worn-out junk and turn it into art, function, and beauty.   I’m sure I can do all she does, so I’ve started my collection of “junk”.    My husband has declared a moratorium on junk purchases till I finish the current projects.  Darn-it.  It’s easier to look for the junk.    But this lady finds it, does it, and displays it. 

talk to you later……..DaVinci’s Classroom

Teacher Tip



Are you ready for next year?

I’m serious. May requires more diligence, more dedication ending one school year and planning the next.
1. Plan your bulletin boards for August/September or July (year round schools). Make materials and cover the boards before putting one itsy-bitsy toe out the door for summer. If your classroom is painted or cleaned, be sure to cover the boards with newspaper to protect.
2. Plan your “Welcome to School” letter.
3. Plan the school supply list. Many stores now post the lists for parents beginning in July. Make sure the list is in the right hands.
4. Plan and prepare all materials you’ll need for the first full week of school.

Now if you’re a veteran teacher, you’ve already started. The tip today is for the new folks who marvel over how teachers set-up their classroom in the fall.
Everything you can prepare ahead saves time during the crunch week before school begins.

Ready, Set, Go…..but don’t neglect your May/June duties.  Busy…………

From your friend, DaVinci’s Classroom Teacher